CASE STUDY: CASE STUDY OF HYPERTHYROIDISM This comes from a deficiency of kidney yin. Thus, the R + provides too much adrenaline (The stimulus of the thyroid).
must unlock the classical points on the throat, especially 22JM (old and new) and rebalance the spleen using the ratio R / R +, (+) to the JM t.
All this provided to be certain of hypert ..... because in this case, there is insufficient tjrs Rte Yin and F caused by that of R-.
Beware of conventional medicine, which classifies tjrs while hyper .... ". The concept of failure (in hormone is rarely understood by it). (=) Does not enter the game a contest between experts in medicine (and other hormonologues Praticens Doctors, especially surgeons as it is, mostly state false or misdiagnosis. Th