We all have an interest to know the dynamic actions of this group whom I know very well Mr Lemoine, Chairman, and which can be a tremendous asset to our profession (and other ..;).
This concerns all our students to know that I do, but also think of all our patients directly affected by their health care costs.
Now, amavis is in close contact with each other bcp, many eminent leaders (Doctors often favor) of our professions, newspapers .... to accept the principle of repayments by the mutuals.
A very good race and fight.
I suggest that you visit the site to see and understand the process, albeit a bit long, but it is needed to explain to our patients;
then at least display the page in all firms.

Amavis, the union of natural medicines
users of natural medicines are healthier than the national average, which costs € 3 000 per year in Social Security.
And you, how much are you?
For the small amount of our spending "disease", we will prove that taking into account the natural medicine is essential to find "a system of health cost "in France.
To participate in our action, click here: www.amavie.org