Monday, May 11, 2009

Terrible Penguins Fan


The next seminar of the ACS held in Paris for the sessions 2009-2010 are:
Thursday, October 9, 2009 (14h-18h) afternoon to explain how exceptional "Mount" the Chinese calendar year. Intended for people willing to learn the handling of the calendar. By Dr. Martine ESPOUY. This course is strongly recommended for people who want to follow the presentation of the calendar year 2010 (Sunday, January 25) and who are not familiar with its meaning and its development. Warning! Registration required. The course location will be shown to participants after registration.
Friday, October 10, 2009 (10h-18h) The interior arrangements: will and About (yi zhi 意志). Presentation and consideration by the classic texts of Chinese thought and medicine. Saturday, October 10, 2009 (10h-18h): language study and clinical diagnosis, by Eric Van Roye. Interpretation and Diagnosis in TCM from the observation of the tongue. Illustrated with many slides, the conference will observe and interpret different clinical cases. After a brief historical summary, anatomical and theoretical observation of the body and the coating of the tongue will be carefully explained. Sunday, October 11, 2009 (10h-13h) Chinese medicine. Presentation of the basic vocabulary about the physiology and pathology of the lung, comprehensive study the meaning and scope of each character key. (14h-17h) Introduction to Diet by Dr. Dea ANGELLELI.
Friday, January 22, 2010 (10h-18h) The ear physiology and pathology of the ear, according to classical texts. Saturday, January 23, 2010 (10h-18h) The practice of Chinese medicine in diseases of the ear, by Dr. Bernard Cygler. Sunday, January 24, 2010 (10h-13h) Chinese medicine. Presentation of the basic vocabulary about the physiology and pathology of the kidneys, comprehensive study of the meaning and scope of each character key. (14h-17h) Chinese Calendar. Presentation and explanation of 2010, by Dr. Martin ESPOUY.
Friday, March 19, 2010 (10h-18h) The eye: the physiology of the eye according to classical texts. Saturday, March 20, 2010 (10h-18h) The pathology of the eye. Sunday, March 21, 2010 (10h-13h) Chinese médical.Présentation basic vocabulary about the physiology and pathology of the Spleen, comprehensive study of the meaning and scope of each character key. (14h-17h) Diagnosis. Practice of combined pulse diagnosis, tongue and complexion, with Dr. D. ANGELLELI, P. RICHER ...
Seminar Location: Enclos Rey 57 rue Violet 75015 (Metro Trade and Emile Zola). Price lunch meals at restaurants in the Yard: 15 € You can take a room on site (45 €) by contacting the Yard Rey.


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