Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hydroment Ceramic Tile Grout Lowes

FLU Vaccination and mass.

FLU Vaccination and mass.

(A record of writing NEXUS magazine in the September-October)

First prosecution in France

A first request to initiate criminal investigation has been filed in France, Nice with the prosecution for the "prevention of a serious health crisis, a mass vaccination campaign and a crime of genocide." SOS is the Justice and Human Rights, established in 1994, which is the origin of the letter sent July 31 to Eric de Montgolfier. An initiative called the "Citizen" by the president of the association, Mirella Carbonatto.

According to legislation, said she "every citizen having knowledge of the preparation or commission of a crime, a crime of genocide or crimes against humanity, must terminate without delay to the competent authorities. According to these same texts, authorities seized are forced to investigate the allegations. "

"You need not fear reprisals for having done your civic duty and respect the laws. Refrain from doing so would be quite the opposite criminally reprehensible , "Says Mirella Carbonatto. The association also encourages everyone to do the same with the model she wrote.

Here is an excerpt of the letter, available on http://www.sos-justice.com/:

"We became aware of the existence of the complaint to the FBI in April 2009, by Jane Burgermeister, Austrian journalist scientific investigation. This complaint is the reason: "Programming a crime of genocide" through the vaccine should be injected to the world population at the start and once the vaccines have been manufactured and delivered.

"This complaint is currently being investigated in Austria and is a legal precedent that allows us to capture all the floors of France, Europe and the World, a request to initiate criminal investigation, which All floors will be required to meet before to deal with a serious health crisis and a possible genocide prepared against humanity. What the investigation of the complaint of Jane should confirm or deny.

"Until this complaint be educated, we have the duty:

to immediately stop the mass vaccination campaign that could prove deadly for all who would be vaccinated
to stop the misleading advertising campaign touting the merits and benefits of vaccine and antivirals such as Tamiflu, which we know is not only inefficient but also dangerous to health.
us to abstain from the vaccine as we will not know the consequences and results of the investigation of the complaint filed by Jane and is currently being investigated in Austria. "
Source: http://collectifcitoyensdumonde.hautetfort.com/



Pryska Ducoeurjoly

Journalist Magazine NEXUS


A struggle that may take the body directly or by sending a copy of this letter to the Prosecutor of your department, or by doing so widely circulated before the end of August , no one knows the existence of this lawsuit! The information war is inevitable, it is within the reach of all citizens!



And listen / watch the video very instructive footnote:


Lawrence Crouzet



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