Thursday, December 30, 2010
Ungroomed White Miniature Schnauzer

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Denise Milani Transparency
We all have an interest to know the dynamic actions of this group whom I know very well Mr Lemoine, Chairman, and which can be a tremendous asset to our profession (and other ..;).
This concerns all our students to know that I do, but also think of all our patients directly affected by their health care costs.
Now, amavis is in close contact with each other bcp, many eminent leaders (Doctors often favor) of our professions, newspapers .... to accept the principle of repayments by the mutuals.
A very good race and fight.
I suggest that you visit the site to see and understand the process, albeit a bit long, but it is needed to explain to our patients;
then at least display the page in all firms.

Amavis, the union of natural medicines
users of natural medicines are healthier than the national average, which costs € 3 000 per year in Social Security.
And you, how much are you?
For the small amount of our spending "disease", we will prove that taking into account the natural medicine is essential to find "a system of health cost "in France.
To participate in our action, click here: www.amavie.org
Monday, October 11, 2010
Barbie Blogger Templates
Other countries have done. And they have managed to lower the price of pasta in Italy. Two-day strike was enough buying to push back the huge increase in pulp prices. Even action in Lebanon for the price of bread, the day after the Buying the strike price of bread resumed its old price.
You are welcome, everyone, that day to buy nothing in particular:
- GASOLINE - diesel oil - TOBACCO
- GAMES OF CHANCE (ts Games French Games)
- BOYCOTT OF RETAILING (except small shops)
- TRY NOT TO BE verbalization (radar, red light, stop sign, parking ....)
With minimal planning, we can all get there.
This message is coming from absolutely no political party or trade union.
Imagine the impact that this movement could lead to national solidarity.
This action will be and certainly more effective than any strike or protest !!!!.
HURRY, the day will soon arrive
TELL YOUR FRIENDS, COLLEAGUES, FAMILY ... which will prevent themselves in turn, their friends, families, etc. ......
We Serve Internet, that wonderful invention.
WE HELP and we will succeed in reducing the cost of living.
Do not say "it will not help"
Watch April 5 reactions occurring thanks to you,
with us.
Let us stop complaining and act.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tally Solutions Software Exception Error
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Friday, May 21, 2010
Why Do My Teeth Ache During Menustration
Click here or on the image to visit official website of Elizabeth Garner

trucks blogger Sandra Doyon ( truck driver, Sandra Doyon ) took this nice photo of her wearing one of my latest creations!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Week Bladder At 19 Why
This comes from a deficiency of kidney yin. Thus, the R + provides too much adrenaline (The stimulus of the thyroid).
must unlock the classical points on the throat, especially 22JM (old and new) and rebalance the spleen using the ratio R / R +, (+) to the JM t.
All this provided to be certain of hypert ..... because in this case, there is insufficient tjrs Rte Yin and F caused by that of R-.
Beware of conventional medicine, which classifies tjrs while hyper .... ". The concept of failure (in hormone is rarely understood by it). (=) Does not enter the game a contest between experts in medicine (and other hormonologues Praticens Doctors, especially surgeons as it is, mostly state false or misdiagnosis. Th
Sunday, April 25, 2010
How To Put On A Double Strapped Shoulder Golf Bag
2006, but I did not pay importance) , a fatty liver. Is
Have you ever been aware of this problem?
My doctor and medical articles read on the net that explain
liver cells are overloaded with lipids (triglycerides
provided by food and the liver makes too), then
they should be discharged into the bloodstream.
scientists write that there are 2 sources: one is an alcoholic, and
the other, of course, is nonalcoholic.
For my part, I can eliminate the first option (unless I do not consider making
The second solution is apparently a problem
enzyme involved in the role of evacuation to the outside of the cell. And for that, it would
do a biopsy of liver tissue, to determine the exact cause.
My doctor recommended me to play sports. That's what I did, but fatigue
in the next few days and I do not recover well. In translation
these lipids represent Earth invaded
cell, caused by the malfunction of transportation of the internal environment of the liver cell
external environment.
Possible treatment:
should tone the liver point king (and VB too?)
Scatter Point Earth against the invasion of the liver
Energizing metal element and cons carrer-cycle of the inverted KB element
Earth attacks the element Wood.
Can you tell me your opinion, with treatment STP?
now for 2 weeks, I am, fasting, lemon juice with warm water
to further boost the liver. The VB is enabled. And infusions of Hypericum
that invigorates the lungs, as it is called bronchitis
cons. When it is oily macerate is also a good
yes but nothing more, it's not bad.
= lack of Yang liver VB = low
My doctor and medical articles read on the net explaining that the cells are overcrowded
liver fat (triglycerides
provided by food and the liver makes too),
where: Medicine Has an effective and safe?
The second solution is a problem apparently enzymatic
involved in the role of evacuation to the outside of the cell. And for that, it would
do a biopsy of liver tissue, to determine the exact cause. And this will lead
So 14TM 43V t and t + t VB
My doctor recommended me to play sports. That's what I done but fatigue
in days and I do not recover well.
not, the best is the mother points, penn and mo
Possible treatment:
should tone the liver point king (and VB too?)
Scatter Point Earth against the invasion of the liveryes
Energizing metal element and cons carrer-Ko reverse cycle of the Earth element on TimberAhhhh, especially not, you further weaken the F ; Rather especially 5Rte d and t 9P
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Power Source For A Shower
Monday, April 5, 2010
Aktualizacja Oprogramowania Twain Canoscan D646u
transgenerational therapy
19 and June 20, 2010
This form of therapy that I have developed allows everyone to meet his "family temple" and thus to solve and resolve family tensions through a "role play".
You will find all the information on my site: www.enb.fr
Location: Saint Brieuc
Hours: 9am to 12.30pm and 14pm to 18pm.
Cost: 200 euros
It is also possible to see this work as "an auditor" is a passive (but not neutral), which does not allow scope to explore his own problems.
Cost to be an auditor: 60 euros.
Information and registration at: Philippe NICOLAS
15 rue Lamennais 22000 Saint Brieuc
tel: 02 96 68 97 28
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Clogged Veins In Neck
> sixties is fell from his boat there are 4 ½ months,
> seriously and bows his left knee and left hand (certainly
> mini fractures, but she could not give me any details)
> She had surgery of the knee at the ball and hand
> joints métatacarpo-phalangeal middle and
> the ring ...
> She complains of pain knee (not swollen), particularly at a
> long march (actually about 20 minutes) or standing
> extended and the hand she still can not bend middle and
> ... and the ring is a little swollen right between the 2 joints.
> I've already made a treatment knee 4 days ago, 62 Vt., 9Rte 7 Fd, the
> patellar complex 36 E t, the next it seemed to work better then
> she extended her trip and me said that the pain returns the length of
> walking, especially along the knee ...
> Do you think that we should repeat the treatment for knee ....
> and cons to his hand I do not know how to help, as
> especially the knuckles .... Perhaps 5TR but other ....?
> This is a lady who was very active, and that does not accept the situation
> currently very eager to watch this as it was before ....
> So rather depressed to see that it evolves very slowly .
> Well if you got the time to advise me ... I see that come.
> acupuncture is little known, and people of the boats are very
> interested in it .... then it is an opportunity for me to practice ....
> Thanks good greetings
> Mr.
here is a possible treatment for the upper extremity: 5 Trt + ch
the knee: 36 And 35 And, 34 VBT, 41 VBT, 45 and (all the items to be heated)
33 vbd, 7Fd
regardless of where life: boat = WATER, thus bringing the yang in water 2 Rt
also morale: 20 TMT, 7 Ct, 4 Rt
If questions, I'm here to hand
MCT 8 and 8 Ct
consider the number of points!
can do 2 sessions.
Monday, February 8, 2010
My Daughter Has Green Discarge On Her Underwear
In Aït DaoudI had a patient with huge firecrackers, boils on the buttocks and thighs. I had cared for by the blood and liver cleansing. I remember you told me it was not that - it made me upset because I feel I am wrong often do not quite understand. I blocked and can not remember your answer. I see that it is mainly on the tsu tae yang. The blood is affected, removal is not done by way Natural IM and V but by the skin, boils the center is dark red and red edges are everywhere. Do you can explain to me re?
Thank you
On the merits, your work was good, but the goal could not be that guy.
It was necessary to revive the natural excretory.
I do not remember the person, but this kind of response did not imply an error on your part but lack in strategy.
Indeed, when the body eliminates through the skin over an area very specific (V in this case), because the other channels are "closed".
Our concern is to see, and stimulate the normal and natural = G and V.
That's all.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wedding Cardwhat To Write
Hello, I would like
notice of you.
My mom is not very strong, she even decided not to work today and Monday as she never stops, it is to say.
She felt very tired since early January.
Suddenly, she was doing tests: Cortisol
TSH 0.05 and 0.54 in August 2010 to 13
tension 8-9 times. She
adenoma Kohn that disrupts its tension but it was regulated by long-term medication.
She must have had a late November general anesthesia to remove a cyst and from that moment his power was deregulated.
She had nodules on the thyroid and had to remove some worry but she was also controlled by drugs also.
She goes to see his cardiologist on Monday but he refuses to believe that it is the anesthesia that had any impact ...
Her GP does not see the link between the fall and rise of TSH cortisol and wants to send an internal medicine but no way to have an appointment at the hospital, the Secretary filter. It remains for him to go to the emergency room after the doctor to be supported .... Regarding the aspect
more "oriental" that.
I did a treatment on December 20 and I wonder about its impact on the current state of my mom, albeit one month later. I thought
support the kidneys as it is a weak point and it was the right time of year.
4TM tc 10Rtc, and 23Vd 14TM.
I took my classes yesterday on the subject R Yin, R Yang and I can not tell if I well done to support the R yang or not.
She wakes up every night at about 2 pm;
night sweats often;
she will be fired and therefore had a beginning but psychologically difficult winter begins to get used to the idea,
she feels really bad
was tired and the skin of the face that draws the most at eye level
red-eye easily
bp has big bone and joint former (I bp closer to the rate of cortisol)
of asthma has developed 8 years ago
urine darker than usual;
she developed abscesses at the anus (because of its anesthetic end of November)
is in crisis hemorrhoid
frequent yeast infections I can not define what exactly happens, I think the imbalance is such and so long as the two aspects of the Kidneys are affected.
I took his pulse yesterday but that does not enlighten me in particular:
low GI, P MC
very tense
C, R =? nothing strikes me
I do not see any advice for my mother after she no longer knows where to go.
I advised him to shorten antibiotic treatment (he had one more day) she was in progress to an abscess that was that develops. Daflon and stop taking it because she is also currently in crisis hemorrhoid. And rest the next day.
But what to do next?
I think his cardiologist will try to increase his salary to lower the tension. But it will not solve the cortisol levels I think.
His doctor told him to lower his salary to regulate the thyroid but is it enough when it was 0.05?
For my part I do not dare propose treatment too because I'm lost in all the signs and I do not know how to relieve it. I think this is serious and I think that by going to various specialists they each do their little test to see what happens and it has disastrous consequences.
Please tell me if you have some ideas to share,
His body is full toxemia. The case is serious and important. Outcome according to age.
He does not know how to evacuate.
So very cure followed poconéol 1 and 7 (15 drops of each at lunch and at bedtime) with dissolvurol (80 and not 60 drops morning and evening before meals) and Poconéol 4, 3 times a week for 3 months then Then once during ... 1 to 2 years.
water to drink green clay (1l prepare with? Ask Nathalie or 3rd Thierry A, drinking in the day played on a 2).
during at least one month, then 1 time per week (one month), then 1 every 15 days (one month).
the other day: the night before preparing a bottle of water (1.5 l) with 12 pellets of each:
- trifluoroacéticum 7ch
- tribromoacéticum 7CH
- trichloroacéticum 7ch
+ one tablespoon formocarbine (hence the water will be black).
marinate overnight and shake several times. Drink during the day => 1 NO TIME DURING MONTH 1 YEAR.
Lappacho emergency 3 times a week for 1 month.
Do not give vitamin and especially not live. C and magnesium in any form, would trigger cancer.
All this suggests a cancer ready to explode, then, act decisively and urgently.
Then, patience, perseverance and confidence.
medical monitoring (analysis) requiring regular
Power Management from a naturopathic doctor (but without psychosis +++).
Acupuncture: serious tone IM, V, P and 1P 17JM (heated), and 5Rte 15JM (heated). Make
iu the back of the same organs sometimes.
good start and balance sheet .... 1 year.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How To Run Mount And Blade 1011
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sheer Lace Blouse Shows Bra
Hello everyone, The
F ederation N ational of M edical T raditional C hinoise
List pathologies
abscess, Aboulie, Access manic-depressive, transient ischemic attack, Accident cerebrovascular ketoacidosis, Acidosis, Acne, Tinnitus, Acrocyanosis, Acromegaly, acroparesthesia, acutisation, Addison (illness), adenoidectomy, benign prostatic hyperplasia, lymphadenopathy, Aerophagia, agenesis, Agoraphobia, Agranulocytosis, Taste loss, akinesia, alkalosis, Algie, Reflex sympathetic, Allergy, Alopecia, dental alveolitis, Alzheimer's disease (of), transient amaurosis, Amblyopia, Amenorrhea, Amebiasis, Amnesia, Tonsillitis, Tonsillectomy, muscular atrophy, Anemia, Aneurysm, Angina, Angina angina, Cholangitis, Angiocholécyste, angiomatosis, angiopathy, coronary angioplasty, angina, Anite, adnexitis-salpingitis, anorexia, anosmia, Anoxia, Anuria, Andropause, Aphasia, mouth ulcers, Aplastic anemia, appendicitis, cardiac arrest, arterial disease, arteriosclerosis, arteritis, Arthralgia , Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Arrhythmia, Ascariasis, ascites, Asthenia, Asthma, Astigmatism, ataxia, atelectasis, Atheroma, Atherosclerosis, Atrophy, Autism, Babinski (sign), Balanitis, barotrauma, Graves' disease (), pernicious anemia (anemia), Bilharzia, Gonorrhea, Blepharitis, atrioventricular block , Botulism, Bulimia, bradycardia, Bradypnea, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, chronic pulmonary disease, Bronchspasme, bruxism, bursitis, cachexia, calcium, Carpal tunnel syndrome (), Cancer, Candida, Carcinoma, Cardiomegaly, Cardiomyopathy, Cataracts, Blindness, Cellulite, Headaches , cervical spondylosis, Cervicitis, Cesarean, Chemotherapy, hemorrhagic shock, Anaphylactic shock, septic shock, cholecystitis, cholestasis, chorea, cirrhosis, DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation), intermittent claudication, Claustrophobia, colectomy, colic, colitis, collapse, coma, conjunctivitis, Conization, Constipation, Convulsions, Pertussis, Coronary, coryza, coxarthrosis, hip involvement, Cramps, Craniotomy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (), Crohn's disease (), Cruralgie, Cushing's disease (), Cyanosis, Cyclothymia, Kyphoscoliosis, Cystitis, Cystocele, Defence abdominal cervico-brachial Parade ( syndrome), Delirium tremens, dementia, bone demineralization, Depression, Dermatitis atopic dermatitis, dehydration, diabetes mellitus (IDDM), diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), diarrhea, diphtheria, diplopia, Diverticulitis, Aortic Dissection, Dupuytren's disease (), dysentery, dyslexia, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyspepsia, dysphagia, dysphonia, Dysphoria, Dyspnea, dystocia, Dysuria, Ecchymosis, eclampsia, ectopic testis, eyelid ectropion, Eczema, PFT, pulmonary embolism, cerebral embolism, emphysema, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, endocarditis, Endometriosis, Frostbite, Sprain, Enuresis, epicondylitis, epididymitis, epiglottitis, Epilepsy Episiotomy, Epistaxis, Erythema, eschar, rash, Exophthalmos, exostosis, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation, Uterine Fibroids, Fibromyalgia, Fibrosis, Fever, Fistula, Fracture, Boil, Galactorrhea, Gale, Gangrene, Gastrectomy, gastritis, gastroenteritis, Genu varum, genu valgum, gingivitis, gingival, Glaucoma, Glomerulonephritis, Glossitis, thyroid Goiter, Osteoarthritis, Gonorrhea, Sjögren's syndrome (), Gout, Flu, ectopic pregnancy, Guillain-Barré (syndrome), gynecomastia, hallucinations, hallux valgus , haemarthrosis, Hematemesis, hematoma, subdural hematoma extra, Subdural hematoma, hematuria, hemiplegia, Hemopericardium, hemopathy, hemoperitoneum, Hemophilia A or B, Hemoptysis, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhoids, Hemothorax, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes, Hirsutism,
, hepatitis drug, Hepatomegaly, hepatosplenomegaly, inguinal hernia, herniated disk,, hiatal hernia Hirsutism, Clubbing, HIV
Hodgkin's disease ()
Homans (sign)
Horton (disease)
Hyperthyroidism, Hearing Loss, Hypochondriasis, Hypotension, Hypothyroidism, Hypotonia, Hypoxia, hysterectomy, hysteria, jaundice, Ictus, ileus, Immunodeficiency , Impetigo, Impotence, Incontinence, Myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, Inflammation, Insomnia, aortic insufficiency, cardiac insufficiency, coronary insufficiency, hepatic insufficiency, mitral insufficiency, renal insufficiency, respiratory insufficiency, adrenal insufficiency Chronic (Addison's disease), Insulin, Insulin Resistance, Poisoning, ischemia, serum potassium, sarcoma (Kaposi), keratitis, keratosis, cyst, laryngitis, laryngospasm, croup, SLR (sign), Leprosy, Leukemia, Leucorrhoea, Lipaemia , Back pain, back and leg pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, Lupus erythematosus, Dislocation, Lyme disease (), lymphangitis, Lymphoma, Macroglossia, malabsorption, celiac disease, STDs, Malaria, Masochism, Mastectomy, Fibrocystic, Mastoiditis, Mediastinitis, melanoma, Melena , Meniere's disease (), Meningitis, Meningococcal, Meningo-encephalitis, Menopause, Metabolism, Metastasis, bloating, metrorrhagia, Microcephaly, urinary urgency, Migraine, Infectious mononucleosis, cystic fibrosis, Oral Thrush, Murphy (sign), Mycosis, Mydriasis, Myocarditis, myoclonus, myopathy, myopia, miosis, nausea , Necrosis, nephrectomy, nephritis, NéphropathieNeuropathie, neutropenia, neuralgia, neuritis, nodule, nystagmus, obesity, intestinal obstruction, edema, acute pulmonary edema, angioneurotic edema, esophagitis, estrogen, oligoarthritis, Oligomenorrhea, oligospermia, oliguria, orchitis, Mumps, osteitis, osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis, osteoporosis, Earache, otitis, Pinworms, Paget's disease (), Malaria, Whitlow, pancreatitis, papillomavirus, papule, Paracentesis?, Paralysis, paranoia, paraparesis, paraplegia, paresthesia, Parkinson's (disease) , Periodontitis, mumps parotitis, Pediculosis, pericarditis, peritonitis, Borderline Personality Disorder, Drug, Pharyngitis, Phimosis, phlebitis, phlegmon, blister, phobia, photophobia, photosensitivity, pityriasis versicolor, Plasmodium, pleurisy, pleurisy, pneumonia, pneumonitis, pneumothorax, Poliomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Polydipsia, Polycythemia, polycystic kidney disease, polyneuropathy, Polyp, fast breathing, digestive or nasal polyposis, polyradiculoneuropathy, Polyuria, Post-partum (depression), Potts (sore), Pre-eclampsia (premenstrual syndrome), Presbycusis, Presbyopia, Prolapse tract, prostatitis, pruritus, psoriasis, psychosis, ptosis of the eyelid, groin, Purpura, Pyelonephritis, heartburn, back pain, rickets, Rage, Raynaud's syndrome (), Proctitis, Ulcerative colitis, rectal, tendon reflexes, gastrointestinal reflux GERD, Vesicoureteral Reflux, Urinary retention, retinopathy, Shrinkage aortic stenosis, mitral, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, rhinorrhea, Rheumatic fever or rheumatic fever, Measles, Rubella, Sacralgie, salmonellosis, salpingitis, Sarcoma, scabiosa, Scarlet Fever, Schizophrenia, Sciatica, Multiple sclerosis or MS, Scoliosis Sepsis Seroconversion, Weaning , AIDS, diverticulitis, Babinski sign, Sinusitis, Heart murmur, Spasmophilia, bronchial spasm, spasm of sobs, laryngeal spasm, splenectomy, or SPA Ankylosing spondylitis, spondyloarthropathy, spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, Staphylococcal malignant face, pyloric stenosis, stomatitis herpes, Strabismus, Stress, laryngeal stridor, Deafness collection, transmission, Syncope, Syndrome Nephrotic Syndrome Dry said Gougerot Sjogren, synovitis, syphilis, atrial tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia, tachypnea, heel pain, cardiac tamponade, Tendonitis, Tetany, tetanus, Tetraplegia, thrombophlebitis, cerebral thrombosis, thyroiditis, testicular torsion, toxemia of pregnancy, Addiction, Toxoplasmosis, tracheitis, Trichomoniasis, Trouble conduction intra cardiac, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, uropathy, urticaria, uveitis, Vaccination, vaginismus, vaginitis, varicose veins, Varicella, Smallpox, Vasectomy, vasculitis, vasoconstriction, vasodilation, vegetations, Vertigo, vitiligo, asthma-Wheezing, shingles.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hooking Up Sony Dvd Sr200p
2010 What makes us laugh! But not yellow!
> http://www.alterinfo.net/Le-
> The European Parliament will investigate the scandal and the WHO " Pandemic "
> F. William Engdahl
> Thursday, December 31, 2009
> Global Research, F. William Engdahl, 31 December 2009
> Members of the Council of Europe will launch an investigation in January
> 2010 on the influence of pharmaceutical companies in the country
> World of swine influenza, focusing particularly on
> the extent of the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in the WHO. The
> Health Committee of Parliament unanimously adopted a
> resolution demanding an investigation. This is a welcome initiative
> long to ensure public transparency on a "
Triangle> Golden corruption therapy between WHO, industry
> pharmaceutical and academic researchers, who have never compromised
> the lives of millions of people and even caused death.
> Parliament's motion was presented by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
> former member of the SPD in the German Bundestag and now Chairman of
> European Health Committee of Parliament. Wodarg is a physician and
> epidemiologist specializing in diseases and pulmonary medicine
> environment. He considers that the current campaign on pandemic
> swine influenza WHO is "one of the biggest medical scandals of
> century. [1]
> The text of the resolution coming just been adopted by a number
> enough in the Council of Europe's Parliament, said among other
> things, "In order to promote their drugs and licensed vaccines against the
> flu, drug companies have influenced scientists and
> official bodies responsible for public health standards, to alarm
> governments around the world and make them waste their meager
> health resources in vaccine strategies ineffective and expose
> unnecessarily millions of healthy people at risk of a number
> unknown to side effects of inadequately tested vaccines. The campaign
> Avian influenza (2005/06) combined with the swine flu campaign
> appear to have caused much damage, not only in some
> vaccinated patients and the public health budgets, but also in
> credibility and accountability of large health agencies
> International. [2]
> parliamentary inquiry will look into the issue of "false
> pandemic" declared in June 2009 by WHO on the advice of his group
> academic experts, SAGE, which it has been documented that many
> members have deep financial links with GlaxoSmithKline, Roche,
> Novartis, these pharmaceutical giants who profit from the production
> drugs and untested vaccines against H1N1. It will study
> the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in creating Campaign
> World against the notorious avian flu H5N1. The survey will be
> priority "urgent" in the general meeting of Parliament.
> In his official statement before the committee, criticized Wodarg
> the influence of pharmaceutical industry scientists and
> WHO officials, saying it has led to a situation where "
> millions of healthy people are exposed to unnecessary risk
> poorly tested vaccines, and this for a flu strain "infinitely less
> dangerous" than any previous flu epidemics.
> Wodarg said that the European Parliament's inquiry must focus
> especially on the role of WHO and its declaration of emergency rule
> pandemic in June. For the first time in April 2009, when
> the first cases were reported in Mexico, the criteria for pandemic
> WHO have been amended to declare a state "pandemic" not
> on real risk of disease but the incidence of the disease
> concerned. Cataloging pandemic swine flu, countries were
> forced to implement pandemic plans and buy the vaccines
> against swine flu. Because the WHO is not subject to any control
> Parliamentary Wodarg says it is necessary that governments
> insist that it is accountable for its actions. The survey
> will also take a glance on the role of both organizations
> Determinants in Germany in the publication of guidelines on
> pandemic, Paul-Ehrlich Institute and the Robert Koch Institute.
> Bravo!
> Notes
> 1. Rainer Woratschka, Schweinerei mit der Flu, Der Tagesspiegel, 16
> December 2009:
> www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/
> 2. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg Motion for a Resolution and a Recommendation:
> Faked Pandemics - a Threat for health:
> www.wodarg.de/english/2948146.
> F. William Engdahl is author of several books in English which
> two are translated into French: GM: Seeds of Destruction: The Weapon of
> Oil and hunger, war a century: The world order
> Anglo-American. It is reachable from its site,
> www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net
> Original: www.globalresearch.ca / index.
> Translation copyleft Pétrus Lombard