Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wedding Cardwhat To Write


Hello, I would like

notice of you.
My mom is not very strong, she even decided not to work today and Monday as she never stops, it is to say.
She felt very tired since early January.
Suddenly, she was doing tests: Cortisol
TSH 0.05 and 0.54 in August 2010 to 13
tension 8-9 times. She
adenoma Kohn that disrupts its tension but it was regulated by long-term medication.
She must have had a late November general anesthesia to remove a cyst and from that moment his power was deregulated.
She had nodules on the thyroid and had to remove some worry but she was also controlled by drugs also.
She goes to see his cardiologist on Monday but he refuses to believe that it is the anesthesia that had any impact ...
Her GP does not see the link between the fall and rise of TSH cortisol and wants to send an internal medicine but no way to have an appointment at the hospital, the Secretary filter. It remains for him to go to the emergency room after the doctor to be supported .... Regarding the aspect

more "oriental" that.
I did a treatment on December 20 and I wonder about its impact on the current state of my mom, albeit one month later. I thought
support the kidneys as it is a weak point and it was the right time of year.
4TM tc 10Rtc, and 23Vd 14TM.

I took my classes yesterday on the subject R Yin, R Yang and I can not tell if I well done to support the R yang or not.

She wakes up every night at about 2 pm;
night sweats often;
she will be fired and therefore had a beginning but psychologically difficult winter begins to get used to the idea,
she feels really bad
was tired and the skin of the face that draws the most at eye level
red-eye easily
bp has big bone and joint former (I bp closer to the rate of cortisol)
of asthma has developed 8 years ago

urine darker than usual;
she developed abscesses at the anus (because of its anesthetic end of November)
is in crisis hemorrhoid

frequent yeast infections I can not define what exactly happens, I think the imbalance is such and so long as the two aspects of the Kidneys are affected.

I took his pulse yesterday but that does not enlighten me in particular:
low GI, P MC
very tense
C, R =? nothing strikes me

I do not see any advice for my mother after she no longer knows where to go.
I advised him to shorten antibiotic treatment (he had one more day) she was in progress to an abscess that was that develops. Daflon and stop taking it because she is also currently in crisis hemorrhoid. And rest the next day.
But what to do next?
I think his cardiologist will try to increase his salary to lower the tension. But it will not solve the cortisol levels I think.
His doctor told him to lower his salary to regulate the thyroid but is it enough when it was 0.05?
For my part I do not dare propose treatment too because I'm lost in all the signs and I do not know how to relieve it. I think this is serious and I think that by going to various specialists they each do their little test to see what happens and it has disastrous consequences.

Please tell me if you have some ideas to share,


His body is full toxemia. The case is serious and important. Outcome according to age.
He does not know how to evacuate.
So very cure followed poconéol 1 and 7 (15 drops of each at lunch and at bedtime) with dissolvurol (80 and not 60 drops morning and evening before meals) and Poconéol 4, 3 times a week for 3 months then Then once during ... 1 to 2 years.
water to drink green clay (1l prepare with? Ask Nathalie or 3rd Thierry A, drinking in the day played on a 2).
during at least one month, then 1 time per week (one month), then 1 every 15 days (one month).

the other day: the night before preparing a bottle of water (1.5 l) with 12 pellets of each:
- trifluoroacéticum 7ch
- tribromoacéticum 7CH
- trichloroacéticum 7ch
+ one tablespoon formocarbine (hence the water will be black).
marinate overnight and shake several times. Drink during the day => 1 NO TIME DURING MONTH 1 YEAR.
Lappacho emergency 3 times a week for 1 month.
Do not give vitamin and especially not live. C and magnesium in any form, would trigger cancer.
All this suggests a cancer ready to explode, then, act decisively and urgently.
Then, patience, perseverance and confidence.
medical monitoring (analysis) requiring regular
Power Management from a naturopathic doctor (but without psychosis +++).

Acupuncture: serious tone IM, V, P and 1P 17JM (heated), and 5Rte 15JM (heated). Make
iu the back of the same organs sometimes.
good start and balance sheet .... 1 year.


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